Friday, November 18, 2011

TONIGHT: The Banff Mountain Film Festival

Posted on Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 3:26 PM

Since 1976, the Banff Centre in Alberta has hosted an annual Mountain Film and Book Festival to celebrate mountain culture and the world's last great wild places. In 1986, the festival began sending its films on tour so that people unable to trek to the Canadian Rockies could share the experience.

Every year, the Banff World Tour team chooses about 25 films that feature a range of styles and themes, like climbing, skiing, kayaking, adventure, culture and environment. Each city's host organization chooses a program of films to reflect the interest of their community. In Spokane, Mountain Gear will show at least five films each night, ranging from four-minute shorts to 50-minute features. Each night has a different program, so that audiences can see nearly all the festival's films.

Phil Bridgers, Mountain Gear's events coordinator, says that the festival has sold out in Spokane for the past four years, so he recommends getting tickets early. The festival runs tonight through Sunday at the Bing Crosby Theater. A one-day ticket costs $15, and three-day passes are available for $38.50. Tickets are available through the Bing Crosby Theater or without service fees at Mountain Gear (2002 N. Division St.)

And yeah, this video is totally cheesy and plays terrible yoga music. But just watch it.

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