Wednesday, January 11, 2012

CITY HALL EYEBALL: Suggestions for Condon

Posted By on Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 5:11 PM

The Spokanites have spoken.

On a website for his transition into Spokane's top job, Mayor David Condon asked citizens to give their input on five areas — public safety, economic development, budget reform, infrastructure, quality of life. 

John and Jane Doe apparently answered and the city today released 40 pages of citizen suggestions for a better Spokane. Pictured above (and linked here) is our nifty word cloud of what words popped up most often in said comments. 

What pops out to me is the obvious: "police" and "Police," "business" and "businesses" and "street work." "Budget" appears to be a smaller concern, along with "sidewalks," "safe" and "money." (I'll leave jokes about the previous sentence to others.)

Another one of the biggest words? "Need."

Apparently we have needs. 

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