Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Over There
Triple threat — Rick "Sanctimonious" Santorum cleaned house last night, winning three primary GOP presidential races, showing Mitt "The Mighty Moderate Mormon" Romney how it's done. Newt "The Newt" Gingrich stayed in his hole. (NYT)
Rights for everyone? — A federal court struck down California's Proposition 8 yesterday, ruling that banning gay marriage is unconstitutional. Word is that the Supreme Court may not take up an appeal. (LA Times)
Over Here
Fighting fire with fire — After the Spokane City Council scrapped the firefighters' contract Monday, the firefighters union have said they'll go back to the negotiating table. (SR)
Taggers in CdA?! — This just in: there are graffiti artists in Idaho. (KREM)
Take it, Jeff Tweedy.
Tags: morning briefing , News , Video