Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Morning Briefing: Medicine Shoppe Menace

Posted on Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 9:57 AM

Around Town

Third time's the charm — Maybe this gentleman ought to have found another pharmacy to allegedly rob before getting sprayed with pepper spray and arrested. (SR)

Landlubber — If Coeur d'Alene builds a new baseball field on this newly acquire land, will anyone come? (CDA Press)

Make nice with the feds — An ongoing snit between the feds and the Sandpoint airport appears to have been resolved (Daily Bee)

Speaking of which — Your grandkids might be able to take a freeway from I-90 to North Spokane. Maybe. (KREM)

Out and About

Rick Santorum used to be the George Nethercutt of Philadelphia (Washington Post)

Wow! Cool! Seattle's so cutting edge (Seattle Times)

Chop chop reelection (or at least, that's the idea) (LA Times)

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