Monday, March 12, 2012
Mitt Romney is not the Republican nominee for president yet, but already conservative news outlets have been abuzz over who might be his running mate, should he make it to the general election.
And a few of those sites have pointed to Eastern Washington's Republican U.S. House Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers. McMorris Rodgers is up for re-election this year, and she's also acting as chair of Romney's state election committee. Perhaps, the websites wonder, her future lies outside of Spokane?
"She would bring age, regional, and gender balance to the ticket, and she has a policy portfolio that's deeper than [2008 vice presidential nominee Sarah] Palin's," writes the National Journal. Their caveat: "Picking an unknown House member from a state Romney won't win might smell too much of desperation for McMorris Rodgers to make the serious short list."
Meanwhile, Human Events published a lengthy profile of the congresswoman earlier this week, which pretty much gives a rundown of her life in Eastern Washington, Olympia and Washington D.C.
A gmail account titled "DC Press" has been sending The Inlander links to the articles as they are published. No word as to who that account is run by; an email to DC Press asking for further information was not returned.
McMorris Rodgers spokesman Todd Winer downplayed the reports, saying "Being VP isn't something she's seeking or expects to happen."
As for the email account: "I would have to imagine they're supporters of the Congresswoman."