Thursday, March 22, 2012
The Supreme Court says a Priest Lake couple are allowed to challenge thewetlands designation the EPA placed on their property. NPR
Spokies: you can no longer cross the border into Idaho to enjoy the uniquely post-millennial American freedom of texting while driving. It's finally banned there, too. (KXLY)
Hunger Games is going to be a cash cow. 1000 tickets have already pre-sold at AMC downtown alone. (KREM)
Cougar Men headed to CBI Final, the tournament for teams that don't get into the NCAAs or the NIT — so it's the college basketball equivalent of a Screen Actors Guild Award, basically. (News-Trib)
American gas usage is not the reason gas prices are so high. Also: excellent graphic on where oil comes from, why it costs what it does. (NPR)
Afghans may seek veto power over US night raids.
Suspect in French hate-crime suspect dies after rushing police with a weapon in each hand, then jumping from his apartment window. Moral: real life is not the Matrix, asshole.
Tags: Culture , Arts & Culture