Friday, May 4, 2012

CITY HALL EYEBALL: Two more announce for Billig's house seat

Posted By on Fri, May 4, 2012 at 1:11 PM

When Washington Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown announced her retirement yesterday, political hopefuls quickly began filling the vacuum. Rep. Andy Billig declared that he'd be running for Brown's seat. Brown's senior aide, Marcus Riccelli, announced he'd be running for Billig's seat. And Spokane City Councilman Jon Snyder announced he'd be announcing something about Billig's seat today.

While we haven't heard anything yet from Snyder, two others havejumped into the race for Billig's seat. John Waite. Waite, a frequent local candidate, was seen last year running for Bob Apple's City Council seat. Tim Benn, an advocate for government regulations reform also announced his candidacy. 

Keep your eye on City Hall Eyeball for more updates

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