Wednesday, December 19, 2012

MORNING BRIEF: guns, malaria and China's crackdown on apocalypse rumors

Posted By on Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 8:22 AM


A bar fight led to a stabbing in Chattaroy last night. (KREM)

Spokane gun sellers say buyers are rushing in to buy weapons, fearing that gun control talks will heat up in the wake of Friday's shooting in an elementary school in Newtown, Conn. (SR) 

The woman who left her two children on the side of I-90 in October is set to plead guilty in exchange for a recommendation for probation. (CDA Press) 


Fake malaria drugs are contributing to the spread of drug-resistant strains of the disease in the developing world. (NPR) 

The Benghazi report is out, and it doesn't look good. (WashPo) 

Chinese authorities have detained more than 90 people for spreading rumors about the Mayan apocalypse. (Guardian)

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Heidi Groover

Heidi Groover is a staff writer at the Inlander, where she covers city government and drug policy. On the job, she's spent time with prostitutes, "street kids," marriage equality advocates and the family of a 16-year-old organ donor...