Friday, February 22, 2013

The MAC's new online look

Posted By on Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 3:31 PM

The Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture, commonly known as the MAC, remodeled its facilities and launched its first website in 2001. That same website has finally been brought up to speed.

The museum teamed up with North By Northwest, a Spokane-based design studio that specializes in film, video and web marketing. After eight months of collaboration, the result is an accessible website that's compatible with the laptops, tablets and smart phones that didn't exist a decade ago.

The website just launched today and the new look is colorful, user-friendly and provides a streamlined look at the different collections, exhibits and programs that are offered. Becky Bishop, the public correspondent for the museum, says the MAC website will also link to micro-websites for other art institutions and an online-only exhibit, geared toward photography and the history of the Northwest.

The revamp was long-needed, Bishop says, and is the first stage of the museum's "re-envision the MAC" project. The project's goal is to put a new spin on the MAC's ability to reach schools and the community, as well as scholars from around the world who want to show their historical discoveries to the Northwest.

Another new online feature the museum would probably like visitors to notice is the donation option that allows people to become a member of the museum and support upcoming changes at the MAC.

Also this month, the MAC started offering new Sunday hours, a day the museum previously had not been open to the public. It's now open on Sundays from 10 am to 5 pm. 

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