Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Local law enforcement officials announce new property crime partnership

Posted By on Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 9:02 AM

The Spokane Police Department and Spokane County Sheriff's Office this morning announced a new partnership to target property crimes through collaborative crime mapping and intelligence efforts. 

Spokane Police also announced they will begin posting their weekly crime data reports online here. The weekly reports include maps of citywide crime "hot spots."

Police and Sheriff's officials planned to announce details of the new effort later this morning. The partnership will center around the Spokane Police Department's newly implemented CompStat crime tracking strategy, which we wrote about in February.

"CompStat identifies the most active offenders, their criminal behavior, and the neighborhoods in which they are offending," today's announcement explains. "Based on this analysis the Spokane Police Department directs patrol, investigative resources and specialized units to those neighborhoods in order to prevent crime or to quickly apprehend offenders."

Here is the entire announcement from this morning:

Police Chief/Sheriff Discuss Multi-agency Efforts to Address Property Crime in the Region

This morning Spokane Police Chief Frank Straub, Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich and other area Police Chiefs will describe a collaborative effort to utilize data to identify property crime offenders and the neighborhoods in which they are most active.  This effort follows the Spokane Police Department’s CompStat model, implemented in January 2013. CompStat identifies the most active offenders, their criminal behavior, and the neighborhoods in which they are offending.  Based on this analysis the Spokane Police Department directs patrol, investigative resources and specialized units to those neighborhoods in order to prevent crime or to quickly apprehend offenders.

The quick arrest of a burglary suspect this morning is an example of the success of our predictive analysis.  SPD’s crime mapping identified the location of this attempted burglary as a potential hot-spot and predicted the time that a burglary could take place.  When the attempted burglary occurred we had resources in the area and officers quickly arrested the suspect.

News Conference Details:

·         Time: 11:30 am

·         Location: Sheriff’s Conference Room

The Spokane Police Department’s reorganization has moved 22 Patrol Anti-Crime Unit officers, Targeted Crimes Unit detectives and property crime/fraud detectives under the Strategic and Tactical Operations Bureau.  The strategy is to focus enforcement and utilization of resources to arrest property and other crime suspects.

In the past month property crime has been reduced by more than 3% city-wide and all crime downtown has been reduced 17.25% as compared to this time last year.

Chief Straub applauds Sheriff Knezovich’s initiative and looks forward to working with the Sheriff and area chiefs to use real-time data and collaborative police strategies and tactics to reduce property crime.

“The CompStat process and outstanding police work is reducing crime in Spokane,” said Chief Straub. “However, neither the Mayor nor I am satisfied because even one criminal act committed against our citizens is unacceptable.  The Spokane Police Department is committed to driving down crime in the City of Spokane as well as to working with the Sheriff and our law enforcement partners to reduce crime in the region.”

*Additionally, please find a link below to our CompStat data posted to the SPD website for public view.  This data will be updated each week.

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Jacob Jones

Staff writer Jacob Jones covers criminal justice, natural resources, military issues and organized labor for the Inlander.