Friday, August 16, 2013
If you're a Spokane Shock fan still reeling from our orange-clad boys' loss last weekend that kept them out of tomorrow's Arena Bowl, allow us to distract you.
Next season, it's possible, if not likely, that the Shock could be lining up against a team not just owned by the legendarily face-painted, leather-clad, tongue-unrolling, firework-loving, platform shoe-adorning rock band KISS, but actually named KISS.
That's right. Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley and the rest of the crew have purchased a team they will call the L.A. KISS, that is set to begin play next spring in Anaheim — which, for the record, is a city of its own that is not in L.A. at all. But whatever. This is a football team named after (and owned by!) a glam-rock band, so quibbling over geographical nuances is irrelevant at this point.
Season tickets for the fledgling arena team's inaugural season start at $99, which includes tickets to see KISS in concert, thus reminding most of the people reading this that KISS still plays concerts.
Tags: Shock , Arena Football got a little bit weirder today as glam-rock band KISS announced it had bought a team set to compete in the league next year. , Sports , Image