Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Since we see the changes up close every day just by showing up at work, we feel obligated to provide the occasional friendly neighborhood construction update about Kendall Yards.
And this week is an exciting one: Summit Parkway, the east-west road in the Inlander HQ address, is getting paved through to Monroe Street. Right now, to get to the Inlander or the rest of Kendall Yards from downtown, you have to drive up by the courthouse and then go back south toward the river. This road will change everything.
The photo above is from the end of last week when the weather was nice. Today, the yellow center stripe is painted and there are jersey barriers up along the road. The road may be open as soon as next week, once the northbound turn lane is striped on Monroe.
It just so happens that the latest Spokesman-Review Then & Now photo feature shows an aerial view of what’s now Kendall Yards and the connection over the river. (Along with a similar view from 1931.) You can see there how the road intersects with Monroe, as well as the newly paved Centennial Trail connection curving beneath the Monroe Street Bridge and the Huntington Park renovation on the other side of the river by the falls.
So you can see how quickly that’s changed, here’s the aerial view from earlier this year that Google Maps shows:
Tags: Kendall Yards , Summit Parkway , News , Image