Thursday, April 17, 2014
A Wendy’s on Newport Highway was robbed, the second drive-thru robbery this week. (KXLY)
Spokane is taking over the Waste-to-Energy facility on the West Plains from a private company to have more flexibility as the trash system is handed over to the county. (S-R)
A life-size rhino made of wood and paper mache has gone missing. (KHQ)
Edward Snowden called in to Vladimir Putin’s annual Q&A with the nation to ask whether Russia spies on its own citizens the way the U.S. has done. (WaPo)
Republican leaders in Louisiana are calling for the resignation of a congressman after a leaked video showed him kissing a married staffer, though some say it's hypocritical since they still support a senator who had a prostitution scandal. (NYT)
Portland is draining nearly 38 million gallons of treated water in the city reservoir because a 19-year-old was filmed peeing into it. (AP)
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