Monday, May 12, 2014

Submissions now open for Terrain 7

Posted By on Mon, May 12, 2014 at 4:56 PM

click to enlarge Submissions now open for Terrain 7
Christian Wilson

As of this posting, you’ve now got roughly 1,951 hours to submit your art for Terrain 7, this year’s installment of one-night, juried arts extravaganza that’s been growing each year since its inception. (If you keep a detailed record of how you procrastinate for 1,949 of those hours, would it count as art?)

The submission description says: “Terrain displays work that spans all media: sculpture, fiber art, photography, graffiti, film, installation and performance. We make no distinction between high art and low art — we simply want to showcase emerging artists with talent and fresh perspectives.” The art types listed on the entry form are: visual, film/video, installation, 3D/sculpture, musical performance, non-musical performance and interactive/generative.

Each artist can submit up to 10 entries, with collaborations counting as one entry for each participating artist. Things you’ll want to have on hand for each entry:

• Up to four image files to give the jury a sense of the piece

• Links for YouTube or Vimeo videos and other supplementary materials

• Title and names of any collaborators

• Sales information if you’re selling: price and whether there are multiple copies

Complete your submissions here by Aug. 1 at midnight. If you want to get involved in a way that doesn’t require as much artistic skill, inquire about volunteering at [email protected].

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Lisa Waananen

Lisa Waananen was an Inlander staff writer and editor from 2012-2015.