Wednesday, February 25, 2015

WW: Weed bills that made the cut and marijuana news elsewhere

Posted By on Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 11:32 AM

Welcome back to Weed Wednesday, your weekly dose of pot news. Wondering what this is about? Click. Looking for our previous marijuana coverage? Click. Got a question or tip? Email me at [email protected].

Last week was the cutoff for any new policy bills in the Washington State Legislature. Any bills that didn’t make it out of committee by Feb. 20 are likely dead for the session. Although many bills were introduced, only a handful will become law. Here are the marijuana bills that made the first cut and might just be signed into law.

HB 2000 authorizes the governor to enter into agreements with federally recognized tribes concerning marijuana.

BB 5002 requires drivers to stow away their marijuana while driving

SSB 5051 allows people in the marijuana business to transfer product between one another.

SB 5121 allows people to grow marijuana for research purposes.

SB 5130 prohibits marijuana businesses from being in the proximity of many places children congregate, including arcades (do those still exist?)

SB 5379 adds post-traumatic stress disorder to the conditions that qualify for medical marijuana.

SB 5398 prohibits eating pot food in public.

SB 5401 allows the Liquor Control Board to accept grants and donations to help with weed-related educational efforts.

SB 5402 imposes penalties on adults who help kids acquire pot.

SB 5467 Changes how recreational marijuana is taxed.

SB 5052 overhauls the state’s pot laws putting the largely unregulated medical marijuana market in harmony with the tightly regulated market.

SB 5519 is another bill with the same goal. It’s sponsored by a Democratic state senator and, while it isn’t getting as much traction as the other bill, the two are starting to look a lot alike.

SB 5493 exempts cannabis beauty and health products from the same regulations placed on recreational pot.

SB 5673 would make synthetic cannabinoids, a substance that mimic pot’s effects, illegal.

Here’s the news elsewhere:

Researchers at Yale think they have figured out why weed gives you the munchies.

California Attorney General Kamala Harris, who is also the front-runner in the race for U.S. Senate in her state, is pretty much cool with marijuana legalization.

Two bills have been introduced in Congress that would legalize recreational marijuana.

Marijuana is a pretty low-risk recreational drug compared to pretty much everything else, according to a recent study.

Ohio’s attorney general is harshing on efforts to legalize pot in the state.

Get ready for kosher pot food.

Get ready for legal pot in Washington D.C. (sort of).

Get ready for legal pot in Alaska.

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