Friday, February 27, 2015

LaVerne Biel running for council

Posted By on Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 9:15 AM

LaVerne Biel, a Perry District business owner, has announced she’s running for the Spokane City Council seat that will be left open when current Councilman Mike Allen steps down later this year.

She faces competition from John Waite, a downtown business owner, and Lori Kinnear, legislative assistant to Councilwoman Amber Waldref. Former Republican state Rep. John Ahern has also suggested he might run.

Previously she ran for the seat held by Jon Snyder in 2013. Allen, considered part of the council’s conservative minority, has endorsed her. Biel also has the endorsements of former councilmembers Nancy McLaughlin and Brad Stark.

Here’s her full statement:

LaVerne Announces Campaign for City Council District 2

February 26, 2015

Spokane —- LaVerne Biel (non-partisan), small business owner of Access Unified Networks, announces

that she is running for Spokane City Council, District 2. Mike Allen currently holds the position and has

decided not to seek reelection.

LaVerne Biel, and her husband Kent, started Access Unified Networks (formerly Access Telcom) 21 years

ago. Access Unified Networks is a technology service provider with 10 employees. In the past she has

also worked as a Personnel/Compliance/Safety officer for Kato Corporation (a construction company),

and an accounting firm administrator for Heiskell, MacGillrary & Associates both in Spokane.

LaVerne served as Associated Builders and Contractors President and currently on their Training Trust

Board, East Spokane Business Association President, and is currently a Board Member of Friendsview

Retirement Facility (in Newberg, OR), and East Central Community Organization who works developing

housing and social opportunities in East Spokane neighborhood.

LaVerne is proud of her collaboration with East Spokane businesses in addressing the loss of the

Altamont street exits and onramps on the I-90 freeway. The Altamont exits and onramps will become a

vital connection for South Hill residents when the North Spokane Corridor Project is completed. “I

believe that lasting change requires focused collective opinions. I want to ensure that South residents

are heard and their opinions are integrated into any solution that is presented,” LaVerne stated.

“I’m looking forward to serving residents of Spokane’s second district”, she stated. “Community

involvement and commitment is something that has always come naturally to me. I feel it’s important

to build strong relationships and trust within the community. A strategic focus will move our city

forward to improve our quality of life to build a stronger economy.”

LaVerne plans on limiting her time at Access Unified Networks. “I believe that it’s important to be an

active part of neighborhood and the business community to understand how changes affect everyone in

Spokane. I’ll do a good job for the second district to focus on people and issues that need our attention

– that’s exciting to me,” said Biel.

LaVerne Biel and Kent her husband have lived in the Perry District since 1983.

LaVerne has been endorsed by the following community leaders:

Mike Allen; Nancy McLaughlin; Brad Stark

To join LaVerne’s Facebook page contact:

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