A previously dismissed defamation lawsuit between former employees of the Spokane Civic Theatre — one a blogging swinger, the other the target of his ire —
has new life thanks to a state appeals court. (Inlander)
The second teen involved in the murder of Delbert "Shorty" Belton was
sentenced to 16 years in prison. (KREM)
Some men just don't read enough, including the signs about
increased police crackdowns on prostitution on Sprague. (KXLY)
The West is the best — a new analysis shows that metro areas in
the western U.S. has bigger populations of gay and lesbian citizens than other parts of the country. (New York Times)
A math error in the new budget proposed by the House in D.C. could mean
severe cuts for federal employees. (Washington Post)
Suicide bombers in Yemen
killed or injured nearly 200 people. (BBC)
Amazon won approval from the FAA to start
testing drones. (Seattle Times)