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Age of Nefilim slayed at Mootsy's during last year's Volume music festival.
Volume is coming your way this June and we at the
Inlander are getting excited. As Memorial Day Weekend is so late this year, Volume — always nestled between Sasquatch! and Elkfest music festival weekends — hits Fri, June 3 through Sat, June 4. The good news is you can buy your tickets now for just $20, the same price as last year. That’s right, we know how hard you work for your money.
While the lineup isn’t completely finalized yet, know that its set to be bigger than ever, with more bands and venues. There’s going to be a whole hell of a lot more running between shows this year. Here’s a list of the participating downtown live music venues.
Baby Bar (all-ages until 9 pm)
The Bartlett (all-ages)
Big Dipper (all-ages)
Boots (all-ages)
Jones Radiator
The Observatory
The Pin! (all-ages)
Red Room Lounge
Terrain/Cracker Co. Building (all-ages)
Buy your wristbands
Note that all venues are selling weekend passes at the door during Volume. Cost moves up to $30 on Friday for the two-day pass and $20 on Saturday for one-day only tickets.