Friday, May 20, 2016

New twist in Spokane doc's death, R's meet, D's squabble and more stories

Posted By on Fri, May 20, 2016 at 9:26 AM


COVER: How area school districts fail to protect kids from sexually abusive teachers
MUSIC: Volume fest gets an extra cheesy and amazing commercial
NEWS: Spokane community colleges to launch effort to improve college readiness in rural districts
NEWS: Washington state's top cause of death compared to the rest of the U.S. is...

Private investigator: Foul play involved in death of Spokane doctor
The mysterious death of Dr. John Marshall took a new twist when a private investigator concluded that he was murdered. 

Egypt finds crash debris
The Egyptian navy has found the belongings of passengers as well as the remains of a missing plane, confirming that the aircraft fell into the sea with 66 people on board. 

Democratic internal strife continue
The Democratic National Convention is offering presidential contender Bernie Sanders key seats on a party committee if he will concede the nomination to Hillary Clinton. However, Sanders has shown no signs of dropping out. 

Washington GOP meets
The state's Republican Party is meeting today in the Tri-Cities to select delegates to send to the Republican National Convention that'll be held over the summer in Cleveland.

Idaho ordered to pay quarter-million dollars in 'Ag-Gag' fight

A judge has ordered the state of Idaho to pay $250,000 in attorneys fees to advocacy groups that made it harder for animal welfare activists to look into agricultural practice. 

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