Friday, April 6, 2018

Former Air Force general and astronaut to discuss nuclear deterrence at WSU on Monday

Posted By on Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 10:54 AM

click to enlarge Former Air Force general and astronaut to discuss nuclear deterrence at WSU on Monday
Gen. Kevin Chilton

Does the threat of nuclear annihilation ever seem like a very real danger? Of course it does! It’s 2018, baby!

To calm these fears (or maybe to stoke them), retired Air Force Gen. Kevin Chilton will be discussing nuclear deterrence at Washington State University’s Pullman campus.

Per WSU:
“Given the current global challenges, how successful has nuclear deterrence been in guaranteeing peace? And what challenges does the U.S. confront in the future?”

Well, at least I’m still alive and not staving off roving gangs of militia stockpiling food and medicine. Yet.

Gen. Chilton, aka “Chili,” will address how successful nuclear deterrence has been so far and what the challenges are looking into the future. And he happens to know a bit about the topic. He’s a former astronaut, test pilot, four-star general and commander of U.S. Strategic Command “where he was responsible for the global command and control of U.S. strategic forces to meet decisive national security objectives” (which sounds a little vague, mysterious and intriguing...).

Here’s a video of Chilton discussing nuclear deterrence at a keynote at the Marine Corps University Foundation in Washington.

The lecture begins on Monday, April 9, at 4:30 pm at the Smith Center for Undergraduate Education, room 203.

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