on Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 11:12 AM
To the new owner’s taking over a beloved establishment with the primary intention of ‘sorting out the riff-raff in hopes of seeking a better clientele’. Have you given one thought towards displacing the large geriatric crowd that finds solace in meeting up with friends & family members for a lingering meal without being herded in and out like cattle to a trough? These gentle souls have spent countless years sharing the profound loss of lifelong partners, excitement with grand-babies being born and just everyday idle chatter in the restaurant. The younger crowd gathered in the lounge? OMG… how dare we laugh out loud amongst ourselves on the patio, smoke the occasional ciggie while feeling the relaxing effects of a well-deserved cocktail after a long work week. No bar brawls, just us common folk truly enjoying a little shared down time in this frantic world. So ‘effing sorry for not quite meeting up to your self proclaimed magnificence…NOT. Be very careful whom you choose to judge so harsh with the ‘riff raff’ label. We are the one’s who have painted your houses, watched over your spoiled rotten offspring because you just cannot find the time to fit parenting into your Nordstrom shopping spree’s and daily Starbuck jolt, bagged your organic groceries, worked on your expensive vehicles and cleaned your McMansion’s twice a week. We are a family that takes care of their own whether it be a sudden death, displaced by a fire or someone just down on their luck. You may be able to whisk away our beloved stomping grounds easily with your fat wallet…but the memories shared within those four walls we will take with us forever.
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