Monday, January 31, 2011

Jeers to Jeers

Posted on Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 9:50 AM

I have yet to find myself doing anything but shaking my head in total disbelief every time I open the Inlander. I start at the beginning and eventually arrive at the final three pages, that's right the Cheers & Jeers section. There are far too many of you out there who look forward to each & every Thur. so you can grab the latest edition & immediately flip to the back & imbibe yourself on other peoples' frustrations & misery. You grab, flip & dive right into the Jeers in hopes of mining some nugget of nasty unpleasantness that was so upsetting to some unfortunate soul that they volunteered a portion of their day to sit down & pen their anger. Someone unwillingly found themselves on the receiving end of some evil brutish creature who committed a horrific act of inconsideration that resulted in the demise of their day, & they think that complaining about it via the Inlander will somehow diminish the sting? I can only presume that they somehow feel better when they can capture & share that negativity. Why a person would choose to do this is a mystery to me; perhaps someone out there can offer a bit of clarity or insight? It's sad to have to acknowledge it; but there is a market for this, & if you are reading this right now & choosing to fill a part of your day up by taking an interest in someone else's frustration, then you need to stop, acknowledge & accept that you are the type of reader who motivates people to continually waste time paying negativity forward. This is indeed the case, otherwise, why would the Inlander continue to allocate space in their publication for a Jeers section? Luckily (for all the Jeers Junkies among us) there will always be a steady stream of folks who are so disgruntled & replete with time that they will actually take a moment & perpetuate their disdain for the feeble minded idiots & selfish maggots who infest this world by sending in a jeer. Embrace the Cheers while shunning Jeers.


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