Monday, March 14, 2011

Act Of Kindness

Posted on Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 9:03 AM

On Friday, March 4th my little sister & I were at the Safeway in Liberty Lake.  We had a huge sweet tooth so I told her she could pick out her favorite candy. We picked out about 5 pieces. I am so forgetful that I forgot my debit card in my car when we were in line for the register! I was so embarrased. The nice lady with dark hair & kind eyes buying flowers behind us decided to buy our candy for us! It made our day! We couldn't stop smiling & were so thankful the entire night. We told many of our friends & family about this act of kindness & tried to encourage others to do nice things like this once in a while. I never really knew a  simple act of kindness could really impact me & my 12 year old sis. Thank you so much! I will repay this act of kindness to someone else & I hope they continue to pass it on! Love, the two girls at the store


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