on Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 8:23 AM
Sunday at Shadle Wal-Mart: Me: Female, Blonde, 5'4", 130 lbs. broken ankle
in cast hobbling behind you. You: Female, Brunette, 5'0", 500 lbs? I was
hobbling behind you as you were pushing your cart towards the cart return.
You pushed your cart "towards" the stack of carts at 20 feet away with one
arm and didn't even bother to look if it even remotely went in that
direction, let alone looked to see if you hit anyone with it. It came
barreling right in front of me; I almost lost my balance trying to avoid
it. Imagine that I break my other ankle from your moronic laziness. The
whole 2 minutes I was trying to recover and regain my balance, you slugged
your way out the exit door,