on Sat, Aug 27, 2011 at 8:23 AM
Here's to 20 years of chaos, unhealthy; failed relationships, arthritis due
to bi-polar up and down weather. Hooray to the City for laying me off! Over
priced tuition, tacky school instructions; sucks I have to wait ANOTHER
YEAR to start. No jobs, really. It's about who you know; who I know are in
the same boat. To road construction, plaza rats, suits, degenerates, pit
bulls, crazy drivers & red light cameras. Thank you SPD for not shooting
me. Cheers to growing up in complete chaos the only thing you know how to
learn is how to stay alive. To all my fellow alcoholics downtown (whether
you'd like to admit it or not), keep Spokane drunk! I've hit rock bottom
and am checking out. To the rest of you, thank goodness you found a healthy
way of living, your mother should be proud. Peace out Spokane, and thanks
for so many great years and memories; on to something more refreshing and