Saturday, March 17, 2012

Car Burglary

Posted on Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 8:23 AM

Your break-in of my car was quite timely. As if getting your car broken
into isn't joyful enough, I was quite taken by the flu. It was a great day.
I walked (barely strong enough to do so) outside and I looked at my car and
then saw what you did. I actually couldn't even face it. I just walked back
up to my apartment and cried until I was ready to brave it. You stole my
bookbag and the only irreplaceable special thing to me: my textile binder.
Filled and labeled (all by me) with unique fabrics of different weaves,
patterns, fibers and prints. I hope you enjoy my textiles binder. The
binder I have spent all quarter on and need to turn in a week after you
stole it and two weeks before finals. I hope you enjoy my hard work. I hope
you enjoy learning the difference between a dupioni silk and a shantung
silk. I hope you study it. I hope you are fascinated by the raw fibers of
wool, and the raw cotton from Africa. And please, for the love- know your
lace! I hope you cut many samples of beautiful fabrics for the book with my
expensive pinking sheers that you also stole. Oh, and by the way. The heart
by the 15th? That's when my love is coming home from deployment in
Afghanistan. You were probably wondering. Will you want to be there for
that, too? Best of luck! A


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Sat., Jan. 25, 1-2:30 p.m.
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