Saturday, March 17, 2012

Re: Food Stamp Abusers

Posted on Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 8:23 AM

Hey you; out there judging EBT/food stamp users: I got a message for you.
If you want to judge somebody, judge the person who stole my job by telling
lies to the boss, judge the person who stole my ideas and put her name on
them, judge the person who stole my job by starting a rumor about me so my
job could go to her more easily controlled friend, judge the person who
stole my job by being cuter and younger; judge yourself for being
small-minded and narrow-viewed. And if you don't want to do that, judge me
for eating Cheetos, but do it where I can see you doing it, do it where I
can hear you saying it. I no longer have a great deal to lose, but I'd
gladly give you what you've got coming. With great sincerity, The Great and
Powerful OZ


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