Saturday, May 5, 2012

Red Velvet Cake

Posted on Sat, May 5, 2012 at 8:23 AM

You were a family of 5 who came into the restaurant where I work to have
dinner. I offered your family dessert after you had finished dinner, you
told me it was Dad's birthday and the daughter had made her first cake for
you. I expressed how much I love cake especially red velvet. You were a
wonderful family to wait on. You all left and a little while later the 3
teenagers came back to give me some of the birthday cake. I was so touched
you thought enough of me to share. Not only did you give up some of your
precious cake, but you also took the time to drive back down to the
restaurant. Words can't express how that made me feel. I wanted to tell you
how much I appreciated that kind gesture. You have restored my faith in the
kindness of strangers. I just wanted you to know how thankful I was. Thank
you! P.S. The cake was delicious!


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