Saturday, August 18, 2012

Re-Drunken Brit

Posted on Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 8:23 AM

If I had a chance at a bet, you are my ex-girlfriend. If so it seems you
are still spouting the same worthless crap, if you're not, it's still
worthless crap and all to push someone away. Why chime in on a public jeers
column to thank them for showing you they don't measure up to your
standards? Are you bat s^%t crazy? I'm sure you never drink enough to alter
your mood and certain you would never lie, you seem much more immature,
self absorbed, unfair, mock saint and narcisist than a good catch. If you
are who I think you are, you have a knack for moving fast with fast moving
drunks. Put your horny nature on a shelf and try staying out of the sack
till you know somebody well enough and then blame only them or excuse
me "thank" and take some responsibility for your actions. Bet you wouldn't
know what to do with a good guy if you had one. I''m damn sure no saint but
I don't drink, don't smoke, work hard, work hard to solve problems and be
fair, try not to ever create reasons to lie to a loved one or friend, I'm
super loyal, a generous person and lover, I look good and try to be the
best person I can everyday and have yet to meet a woman who appreciates
these qualities enough to know what to do with them. Try and quit looking
for imperfections in people and thinking of what you can get because it's
about what you give. Good luck finding Mr. Perfect Ms. Imperfect lonely
head up your a$$. Your self worth is misplaced and a tad bit overzealous as
I''m sure you like all of us have your undesirable personality traits that
can make a relationship very challenging. If you are my ex I will always
love you, but am happy you're moving on, good luck.


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