on Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 8:23 AM
There is a reason R74 didn't pass in Eastern Washington (and all other
counties except a few on the West side) it's called Freedom of Choice. It
is nothing to be "ashamed " of. Its called Democracy. Ironic all your
complaining since it passed, but I digress. If you are so tired of Eastern
WA and "stupid evangelicals" (do you know any?) I'm sure the West side
would welcome you with open arms. But the fact of the matter is
homosexuality and homosexuals will always fight to be perceived as "normal"
because deep inside they're trying to convince themselves that they are.
They're not. Whether you look at it as a humanist (evolution and natural
selection would weed out homosexuals by the mere fact that they can't
naturally procreate) or from a religious standpoint (Muslim, Christian,
Jewish, etc all have texts against homosexuality) deep inside most people
know its not "normal".
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