Saturday, April 13, 2013

Take A Deep Breath

Posted on Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 8:24 AM

To the woman at Rockwood Clinic at Deaconess on April 3rd, freaking out on
the receptionist, shut your damn mouth. You were running your mouth to the
receptionist about the door not being closed, something that was not her
fault, waddled back to your seat, and loudly claimed, "Maybe now it won't
be so loud in here." First of all, you really need silence in a waiting
room? Coming from someone who works in customer service, this was
incredibly annoying to witness and tolerate. I didn't say anything at the
time, and you should be happy I didn't, because it's people like you who
need to be put in their places, not the young receptionist. Next time, take
a second to think of someone other than yourself.


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