on Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 8:24 AM
Cheers to the School Teachers of Spokane. From pre-school through twelfth
grade you have taught us 50-95% of what we know as we graduate high school.
And we're not just talking about math and English here, but also equally
important life lessons. You teachers are the people we have seen most often
in professional situations, and you have shown by example how to take both
compliments and criticism with grace and dignity. So maybe we didn't all
always get along, teachers can't possibly love all students and we all
certainly have not adored all of our teachers, but we learned from you how
to respect the people you may not get along with, and how to work with
differences in a mature and intelligent manner. So thank you, for the
endless patience on what seemed like endless days in non-air-conditioned
classrooms when all we wanted was recess. Thank you for weathering the
temper tantrums, the rude outbursts, the hormonal rages (trust me, those
aren't much fun on our side either). Thank you for supporting our failed
projects, our early choral and instrumental ventures, and our doomed and
silly ideas. Thank you for patching up scrapes, bruises, and broken hearts.
Thank you for your words of advice and warning, for being our
friends/teachers/parents, and for always having our backs. We have a lot to
learn, but we couldn't have asked for a better start. As one of our fine
teachers always says, 'You are Awesome, You are Appreciated, and You are
Loved'. Cheers, HS Graduating Class of 2013
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