on Sat, Aug 3, 2013 at 8:24 AM
Jeers to the person who tried to break into my car the other morning. And I
apologize to the neighbors who had to hear my car alarm going off at 6am. I
honestly didn't awake until it was too late and had been going off for far
too long. I'd like to apologize to everyone except the next door neighbors.
I'd like to jeer you even harder than whoever tried to break into my car.
My car alarm did what it was supposed to do, it alerted people to a
possible break in. It's not like i was sitting in the window pressing the
button to wake everyone up for shits and giggles. I realize that it was
going off for a bit and I am truly sorry for that. I even understand why
you took it upon yourself to be very noisy after that insuring an
insomniatic atmosphere for us the rest of the morning, however, your antics
soon went from slightly overreacting to down-right childish when you
decided to put a very inappropriate sign in the window across from my
friend's window, Insanely meow like cats to direct our attention to the
window and then dump garbage in the yard. If you want to blame anyone,
blame me, not her. Communication is the adults way, passive aggression is
for children.
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