Fit on the Farm

Farmgirlfit takes a unique approach to city fitness centers

Fit on the Farm: Farmgirlfit takes a unique approach to city fitness centers
Young Kwak
Farm Girl Fit co-owner Jenni Niemann demonstrates a box jump.

After a workout at Farmgirlfit, you'll likely feel like you spent the day bucking hay bales. "The Grind," as they call their hour-long, coach-led workout is designed to deliver the same strengthening benefits as a day on the farm, but instead will have participants swinging kettlebells, throwing weighted balls and waving battle ropes up and down. Classes are small, around 10 women, and programmed with four different levels, so participants can work at an intensity and pace right for them. The emphasis here is on strength — inside and out — not the perfect beach body.

Like most farm girls, members here have a healthy dose of humility and will describe themselves as being part of a community, not gym members. Complimentary child care is available to all members at both locations. 128 S. Sherman St., Spokane, 747-2330; 2930 N. Government Way, Coeur d'Alene, 208-665-9898

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