BLONDI ... with blue eyes. Saw you at the Big Box talking to your ex. Seemed perhaps the friendly congratulations on the new album, which is stellar, as you probably have heard. Given the ex status, how 'bout you hit me up to ... hit me up. You used to flirt with me at that fave dive joint. I gave you my number then; you know where to find me, now. Hope to see you soon! Let's go rock the reds...or the river!!!...or this time, YOU can find late-night noshing for us!! (Friendly tip: The Ballarini cookwear is better.... ;)

LOOKING FOR AL K. - '72 GRAD LOCAL HS: Haven't been able to contact my friend Al K. for several months. Al, contact TM at Rockwood South Hill retirement community. Or if you know Al, please forward message to him. If he has moved or is deceased please message back to TM through Inlander I SAW YOU. Thks!

YOU DROPPED SOMETHING: You dropped this book on N. Chase Rd. It has a note pad and 2 envelopes tucked inside. The cover is red with a black and white picture showing a rowboat near an arch that says "Fort Sherman Idaho" and is titled Kootenai County Pride: Reflections of North Idaho. The book was found the last week of April.


MOTORING ASSURED: Ron Schafer Ins. / Allstate Spokane Valley. THANK YOU from the bottom of the tires of our well used fleet of family vehicles!! YOU and your group "saved" us from any more mysteries and less-than-promised coverage from those guys in red. Seems they've gotten a little too big for us little guys! Good Riddance to them after so many decades. NEVER...again!! Thanks RON SCHAFER Ins.!!

RIVERSIDE RAH RAH RAH: This is a belated but very big "thank you" to someone going back to last October. First, some background: It was the ninth year of my doing a volunteer (authorized) tree-thinning and lower limb trimming project in Riverside State Park, mostly along the west side of Trail 25 through the area that burned in 1994. (There's a big basalt cliff along one side.) The new trees had grown back too close together, so I got permission from the park to start in 2015, using just a pruning saw. I'm an old, retired guy, and this is very physical work – hand-cutting down the trees, trimming off lower branches on those left, and dragging the cuttings away from the trail. Some people passing by have thanked me off and on over the years, but last October someone gave me a huge verbal "gift." A woman biking along the trail called out very enthusiastically, "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, FOR ALL THE HARD WORK YOU DO HERE! IT MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE!" That really made my day – and every day since that I've gone back to work there. So I hope that grateful person sees this and understands what a "big difference" she made to me that day. God bless you! And for those who hike or bike, please check it out. It's a very scenic, beautiful area, and May-June is prime time for wildflowers and new growth on the trees.

TO THE ANGELS WHO MADE OUR BLOOMSDAY: We were pushing the stroller holding our great-niece and -nephew (approximately 100 pounds of rambunction) up the first big hill, moaning to each other, "Why is this hard?" We found out why when several very kind walkers asked us if we'd like them to pump up our three flat tires. Flat tires? Oh! Like a crack NASCAR pit crew, these folks gathered around the stroller and revived the tires with the two air pumps they just happened to have on hand. We finished the course with ease. You guys made our day! Thanks!


MR. AIRPORT: Everything's groovy when your passenger counts are soaring, but your corporate reputation is spiraling into a pavement nose-dive. You're debating with The State Dep't. of Ecology about who's to blame for contamination, on your property, from procedures conducted, on your property, negatively/gravely affecting your neighbors? You're squabbling with the regulatory department that protects YOU from run-off to your personal space. YOUR true colors are showing, airport leaders, like a rainbow oil-slick on the bodies of sea life, detrimental in the long run due to delay in manning-up and owning your role. Cheers to Ecology and the local journalists for leaning on this. How 'bout you join in, Mr. Airport, and do the right thing, and THEN settle any questions of responsibility in the courts. The dirty water is running. You point to the FAA for the delay...hmm. They aren't stopping you. Act. Bravely.

RE: STOP STOPPING: Drivers are actually required by law to stop for pedestrians on the sideways. See RCW 46.61.621 If a pedestrian is within a lane of a driver that driver is also required to stop. I recommend you learn a little more about laws before you submit driving advice to the Inlander. Your bad advice is huge safety issue.

SCC STOPLIGHT: Dear Stupid People of Spokane: you know that light on the west side of SCC that allows you to enter the campus? When the light is green going north/south, but the traffic is backed up, that doesn't enable you to stop your car in the intersection. You know those cars that are on the left and right of you, headed west and east? Well, those cars want to drive when the light turns green dumb ass. Because the light doesn't stay green for very long and then stays red for much longer after that, those cars would like to go when their appropriate light turns green. So, to the ass in the truck carrying the trailer Tuesday afternoon (and others like him), perhaps learn how not to be an ass and wait until there is enough room to move through the intersection. Spokane: near nature. Near the really, really inconsiderate and stupid.

HAVE SOME GRACE: I get all the moans and groans about city life in Spokane. Here is a good place to vent. I'm an angry mofo and it never gets me anywhere. I've lived a great life here and forget the little details sometimes that make it that way. I guess what I am trying to say is to just take a breath and enjoy something, anything. It's too short and before you know it's gone away. We live in a great city. Be kind to yourself and everyone else.

RE: SPEEDERS IN TRAFFIC: Weeks ago a reader submitted a valid, but rather ridiculous, complaint regarding speeders and lack of police available to catch them. He/she also provided a number of traffic deaths attributed to speeding. Well, submissions like this are ineffective. First off, law enforcement officers in our area are understaffed and struggling with the massive rise in drug crimes, car thefts, and transplants/gangster-related shootings. The WSP is, however, quite active by hanging out on the side of I-90, pulling over drivers for "speeding" less than five miles over the posted limit. If you want more facts, why don't you research the massive number of crashes, injuries, and deaths related to idiots on their dumbphones, people who drive grossly UNDER the speed limit, and Trumpsters who obscure vision with their massive MAGA flags which, occasionally, are not secured to their gas-guzzling pickups and fly off to hit following drivers. Maybe they should get tickets, too! Complain about something that really matters, jeez.

DOPPELGANGER?? Friday May 3. Spok. Valley Big Box. You parked in an H- spot. We saw you loading out/departing approximately 6:40 p.m. We didn't see your handicapped plate, nor your placard, nor a sticker of any kind. Maybe we missed it? Perhaps you had permission, but, the law doesn't permit, "permission", without a registered placard. Certainly not all handicaps are visible, but for that occasion, you ably hauled a small "appliance" into your vehicle. What gives? There were many other spots in that region/row close to the one you took. You greatly resemble a Spokane City Council member. Remarkably. "Exactly". Likely. Probably. Twin? Doppelganger? You? Maybe you have that allowance any where in the city of Spokane. The law in Spokane Valley doesn't..."allow." Don't flex your entitlement. It gets nobody, to an O.K. place on the journey. ♦

Higher Ground: An Exhibition of Art, Ephemera and Form @ Washington State University

Mondays-Fridays, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Continues through Oct. 31
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