ANOTHER CHANCE: Jewelle – I let my fears get in the way of something special. You're the first woman I've met in a while whom I can't get off my mind. If you feel like giving me another chance, please text. If not, I'll always remember you as a very cool person. –D
RE: THAT MOP: This mop must mean a lot to you, and I hope you are able to see it soon. Whoever she is, she's a lucky woman.
RE: NOTHING ELSE IS EASY: Ok Tori Amos. Is a Black Room Girl better than a Cornflake Girl? You have to believe in ghosts to see them. I'm too old for imaginary friends.
RUN!! Re: Adorable Partner. Please know: Depression is one monster that can be defeated; good for those who get help and those who treat. Tantrums and lashings-out are NEVER OK. Ever. Please search: "Why do people rage?" Those behaviors are personality traits that do NOT change. They don't. Keep the compassion you've exhibited, and treat yourself and others well ... those that treat you well in return. It's a scary journey if you "stay." Don't. Please...we beg you. RUN!! Save. Yourself. (The tantrum throwers target those who exhibit empathy and goodness. It does not change.) Be safe. Learn.
"Aren't you somethin' to admire
Cause your shine is somethin' like a mirror
And I can't help but notice
You reflect in this heart of mineIf you ever feel alone and
The glare makes me hard to find
Just know that I'm always
Parallel on the other side
Cause with your hand in my hand and a pocket full of soul
I can tell you there's no place we couldn't go
Just put your hand on the glass
I'm here tryin' to pull you through
You just gotta be strong
I don't wanna lose you now
I'm lookin' right at the other half of me
The vacancy that sat in my heart
Is a space that now you hold
Show me how to fight for now
And I'll tell you, baby, it was easy
Comin' back into you once I figured it out
You were right here all along"
WEIRD ARTIST: I was drawing you at Atticus. You noticed and started drawing me, too. You gave me the picture on your way out without saying a word. Why am I naked, riding a turtle, and farting? Come back so we can draw weird pictures together.
CHEERS TO A REAL NEWS TEAM: Three cheers to the no-frills, no cutesy-talk TV news team at KLEW in Lewiston. They deliver straight stories, one after another, with no ego-stroking chats between anchor guys and weather gals to take up air time. KLEW's big sister station in Spokane should take a big clue from the "little" guys. Dispense with the self-congratulatory small talk and just deliver information we can use.DIVISIONS IN RELIGION: The difference between Christians and Muslims is the same difference between Catholic and Protestant. The difference is leadership of spiritual life, which includes the rituals of prayer and marriage. Catholics believe in the authority of the pope, while Protestants believe in salvation, redemption and deliverance. The division between Sunni Muslims (85%) and Shia Muslims (15%) dates back to the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632. Since there was no successor, leadership was based on the traditions of the prophet, while a smaller group believed it should have stayed within the prophet's family bloodline. The historical divisions in the Middle East are playing out on the world stage with a distorted view of the history of the area, such as: Palestine is mostly Sunni, while Iran and Iraq are mostly Shia.
NEW PARENTS INSPIRING US DAILY: Cheers to new parents who recently have welcomed a little someone into the world! I marvel at your patience, humor, and flexibility as you adjust your rhythms and try to make sense of your now upside-down and more beautiful world. The new title of parent fits you so well; know that we're all cheering you on and in awe of your stamina and sacrifice you make daily to raise up a loving and caring person. #lildub
NEWS AND BAGELS: Cheers to the Inlander and Hidden Bagel for starting our weekends off with the best local happenings and drama (we love reading cheers and jeers), and the best bagels in town! If you haven't tried the VegFast, or the rosemary salt bagel, you are missing out!
CHICKEN-N-MO: GO!! If y'all haven't been to this gem in your beautiful Lilac City lately, GO!! Chicken-N-Mo serves THE best gumbo we've ever had!! Ever! We realize your town has become dangerous down there, but...go in the day! Have someone drop you and circle the block. Phone ahead. Dine in daytime. Many options to avoid the scary scene. The food at this lovely li'l diner is soul...inspiring. Better gumbo cannot be had in New Orleans, nor NYC (Hell's Kitchen). Those cities are scary, too. Chicken-N-Mo tops them all, and with a heaping helping of humility and grace. One day, Mr. Bob won't be there anymore, and you'll wonder why you didn't visit regularly. Go and fill your soul with this truly great grub. It's the Mo' in Chicken-N-Mo we all need. Your city is lucky to have this joint. Savor it before it's gone, like that last spoonful of deliciousness you've ever craved.
FINALLY!! Hooray!! Spokane is planning to use some of that new $9 million to build swim facilities in each region of Spokane that will serve our population for the betterment of health on all levels. Physical, mental, community!! We can hardly wait! This has been such a long time coming. With all the building of recreation facilities that host recreational amusement, we finally get to participate as citizens. After all, we are the taxpaying residents. A learned activity that is fun for anyone, that serves them well, their entire lives!! That's the water activity we need to support!! Thank you, Spokane. FINALLY!!! At least one in each region is SUCH a gift!! Thanks to the level-headed thinkers behind this! We support you!!
STOP STOPPING: Please STOP stopping for pedestrians and bicyclists on the sidewalk. I have no doubt that this comes from a misplaced concept of courtesy. But unless they are in the crosswalk, you should not stop, nor are you required by law to do so. This is a huge safety issue as the pedestrian or cyclist has to decide whether to enter traffic. Just because you stopped, does not mean the other lane of traffic will stop. Unless you would stop in the middle of the road to let a car enter from a side street, you should not stop for a pedestrian or bicyclist.RED MEANS STOP, NOT SPEED THROUGH: Jeers to you that won't read this, but choose to run the red lights on Division/E. North Foothills/Ruby going either direction, consistently, every day. Even more Jeers to those that hold up traffic at these intersections by giving soda or other junk to the panhandlers. Maybe donate to a nonprofit or food bank? Jeers to the police that see this and pass by. And a final Jeers to this whole city that doesn't include any driveways so EVERYONE parks on the street. :( :( :(
RE: JEERS TO THE HATERS: What the f—- are you rambling about?
DOWNTOWN VENUE: Does the price of admission at this downtown bar/venue still come with a sexual assault by the grinning, groping goons at the gate? I stopped attending years ago because of this. A perverted den of iniquity appeared just what they were going for.
LICK MY PLATE, TOO! I'm so sick and tired of people bringing their "Service Animals" that are NOT service animals into stores and restaurants. Being handfed off their owner's plate.... DISGUSTING!! Especially when they come into the grocery stores and poop on the floor! WOW!!!! Grow up, people! Get a life!!
RE: OOPS! Weather Forecast Fails... Again LOL. You mean this last April 13 when it reached 71 degrees? That day? You're right, the weather guessers were wrong. ♦