LIGHTEN UP: Hey Nick, ever since you replaced the bald guy as editor of the Inlander, I've been struggling to figure out who you remind me of. Then, about a week ago it hit me — remember how some packs of matches used to have that face on the inside of the cover, with the words, "Draw Me"?
YELLING WON'T MAKE YOU A BETTER DRIVER: Turning right from Lincoln Road onto Standard Street, you shouted, "You have to stop for the stop sign, too!" Which tells me that you don't know what you're talking about, but also that you weren't paying attention. For the last four years, SB 6208 has dictated that cyclists may treat stop signs as yield signs. So if there isn't oncoming traffic they may proceed. None of that is relevant though because I signaled a stop, stopped and signaled a right hand turn. You just threw a fit because you got startled. Maybe you'd have noticed if I texted my traffic signals instead.
THANK YOU FOR THE POTHOLE FIX: Thank you whoever did the street fixing on 29th and Thor. It was an absolute hazard so we are grateful. Dear city of Spokane, please consider throwing some asphalt on it? The potholes get so severe it is causing irreparable damage to our vehicles. Not to mention a small child could drown in one of those beasts when it rains. Anyway, thank you... and asphalt please?TO CALLING OUT RACISM IN COEUR D'ALENE: I witness racism so often in Coeur d'Alene that I no longer enjoy going there. Thanks to all who speak up about it.
LABOR AND DELIVERY ANGELS: To Sabrina and Ellie, two of the nurses at Deaconess in labor and delivery, your kindness and compassion while caring for me during a devastating miscarriage made me feel so much comfort during a traumatic time. You held my hand and cried with me, hugged me and really cared for me. I didn't even know you but felt like I couldn't have done it without you. I've thought about both of you every day in the week since. You make a difference with what you do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Please know that I'm doing okay and have hope for my future family.
CROSSWALK CHAOS: To the woman in the black truck who honked at me on Easter while I was stopped for people in a crosswalk: You acted irresponsibly and impatiently by speeding around me then slamming on your brakes. You need to cool off and be more aware. I was stopped for the pedestrians, not sitting there playing on my phone! Next time your hothead might cause an accident.CARICATURES AND BIGOTRY: The recent Wilson Elementary School incident is a recurring Music Department theme. Lest we forget the September 2000 homecoming halftime musical rendition of "Custer's Last Stand" at Joe Albi Stadium, or a decade later, Lewis and Clark High School playing Bob Dylan's "Oxford Town" (read the lyrics) over the intercom to encourage East Coast college applications. Now Wilson Elementary School students are encouraged to come dressed as "slaves, hobos, or dressed for a night out at the jazz clubs". What's next? An authentic Jefferson Elementary School cotton harvest? What song should be performed? There is an easy solution for this culture of accepted stereotypic bigotry. Allow it no place or standing, allow no hindsight excuses.
DEAR ABLE-BODIED PEOPLE: There's a reason I walk slow: I am disabled. I walk with a cane and I can't go faster. You think watching all my friends and family walking without issue and running isn't painful to me, a 32-year-old guy? Don't you think I'd like to go a little faster? It's not just the idiot in Fred Meyer that pushed me out of the way so he could flee to Starbucks to get his latte, or the many people that won't reel their dogs in when they see me coming. It's everyone who forgets that we are here and treats us like a background piece until helping us will bring them some sort of clout. "Oh look at me, I'm helping this poor disabled man cross the street!" And then go back to ignoring us. I am sick to death of having to deal with your thoughtlessness, and your backwards way of thinking. I'm not asking for the world, I'm asking to be part of it and to stop being forced into obscurity.
GARBAGE GOAT VANDAL: I was really disappointed to visit the Garbage Goat on April 3 and see that some loser had written graffiti on its ears. Graffiti jerk: What a sad, meaningless life you must have. You suck!
JEERS TO THE INLANDER: So you printed one reactionary socialist entry after another that blathered the same snowflake position about the Utah women's sports team. The ONE submittal that actually asked an uncomfortable question of course hit the garbage can so hard it probably put a dent in it! The one that asked WHY you have all those high tech users walking along and NOT ONE pulled their phone out to video the people yelling insults and revving the engines of their redneck gas guzzling trucks. You really do live up to your reputation of a Socialist Muckraking Political Hack Sheet! Your mostly "bobblehead" leftist readers seem to march to the same tune.
DUMB MONEY: To the city of Spokane Valley, to cut out one lane of Sprague for a bus that carries two people at a time is the stupidest thing I have ever heard! Spokane Valley is growing faster than you know, and on any given day at rush hour the road is packed! I think you need to replan your idea! Especially when you are spending so much money on the concrete and light fixtures that will be destroyed in a day!
SO MUCH MONEY FOR WHAT? The bus stops along Sprague are the most redundant thing I have ever seen the City of Spokane Valley do. Why spend more money and time on something that will be torn out in two years at most! Help our system like Europe, not like Spokane.
PHONE TREES: Does anyone else have an issue with public agency phone trees with no person to answer the phone? Over and over, I run into this. I listen for many minutes to all the options that have nothing to do with me. Then, I select the most likely option and leave a detailed message. Nine times out of 10, nobody calls back with the information I'm looking for. There is no accountability. This is our tax dollars. Surely, the public agencies can do better than this. They work for us. There's plenty of people who can answer the phones. Commercial businesses have "live" people, why can't public agencies?
IDAHO: Take a look at the bills passed by legislators. Anti-LGBTQ+ bills, gender expression bans, book bans etc. Idaho hates any non-white, "regular" folk. Idaho residents vote. Look who they vote for.
THE WORLD IS NOT YOUR PARKING LOT, BRO: I step outside for a smoke to see a truck that looks just like one my abusive ex has, in my driveway. I panic. I grab a weapon. I'm flooded with fear. Oh! What's this, not him? A neighbor's guest who decided to go ahead and park here? I'm a little relieved, but not as much as I'd like to be. I'm still shaking, wielding a pistol, and reliving a real-life horror story for the rest of the day. Trauma is fun that way. There is never a valid reason to park in a stranger's driveway, but please let this serve as food for thought on how it could be much more harmful than you knew. Visiting your homie? Park at their place. Hell at least bring booze next time, I could use a shot after all that.
RE: 2022 LICENSE TABS: You are right on about those who do not get their license tags renewed. Every day I see at least 15 cars that have 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and they are driving nice cars, too! I get mad thinking how I obey and get mine renewed. Think of the revenue the state could accrue and needs! Why isn't this enforced???
RE: NORTH IDAHO CRITICISM: I read with great amusement the criticisms of the racist actions of those truck people against the Utah basketball team. One would think that this is solely a North Idaho issue. Spokane has just as many ignorant and racist scum as North Idaho. The ridiculous exclusionary criticism was incredibly self-serving and stupid. Look in the mirror fools. Spokane actually really, really sucks. At least North Idaho has natural beauty. ♦