BADGER AND ROSY: Fifteen years! We have had our ups and downs, but we've got through it every time and can say I'm genuinely happy. Here's to many more years with my best friend!

DOUBLE TIME: You: wearing purple and your long, dark hair tied up. Wild beard. Wearing two watches. So mysterious. I bet you'd wear a third if you could. I want to get to know you. Let's regret a couple Crunchwrap supremes and Baja Blast together.

TO THE CUTE BOY AT INDABA: I was seated near you on March 30 and asked you to move your backpack so I could rescue a spider. You're cute, any chance you're single?


WHAT A GREAT GAME! Cheers to the Utah Utes. You came into the Kennel and gave us a phenomenal game. Hoop to hoop, it was tough played by everyone. That's what sports should be about: great competition and huge heart. Mad props all around.

DID YOU NOTICE? What a beautiful night seeing the full moon on March 26. How many people took notice? Or were you to busy on your phone? Watching TV? Or busy on the Internet? Nobody looks at anything like that anymore... why? Are we so enamored in social media, that it takes precedent in our lives?

THANKS: Thank you to all the people who are patient with seniors. Everyone's going to be there someday, and having a smile and attitude of relaxation. Makes me feel like I'm OK in this world.

ROCKS: I saw your rock carvings. It's Maxwell's Equations.

PLEASE? PLEASE! Will the person who found my wallet at the Spokane Tribe Casino around 5 pm on Monday, March 25, please return it to me? I would be most grateful, and express it with cash. Thank you.

KYRS DEMOCRACY NOW, NOW! At 8 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday! You can hear Democracy Now! at 88.1 or 92.3, recordered daily with Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez. No Dish! You can dial in or stream, it's been a flagship for 20 years on our community radio station. No blabber!

YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE: Miss Tammy, you make a difference for many, and the world is a better place because you are in it. Thanks for all you do to shape the lives of young ones. You rock

JUST IN CASE: To the staff at PP, if no one has reminded you lately I want to say: You make a difference for many, and your work does not go unnoticed. Thank you for creating a place where kids thrive.


LAKE CITY OR RACIST CITY? Way to go Coeur d'Alene. The NCAA came to your town for a once-in-a-lifetime event. Instead of being recognized and honored for their accomplishments, they were ridiculed and exposed to the racism and hatred that your city is becoming known for.

UGLY RACISM IN COEUR D'ALENE: The most recent racist harassment of Utah basketball players by some Macho Boys in their big trucks might dismay some in the Lake City citizenry, but it should not be cause for surprise. Every day our streets are overrun by oversized pickups belching smoke from sewer pipe exhausts, their always-white male drivers proud to be disgusting cretins. Nobody who's been paying attention should be "shocked!" by what happened. And pu-leez don't say "Idaho has no place for racists." Au contraire, this state is a haven for bigots.

UGLY TRUTH! Why would anyone want to bring back such a demeaning, ugly, dorky trend as the mullet? Go back to the hick days!!

SO MANY LIGHTS: Looks like we as a planet have become so scared of our own shadow that we can't be left in the dark. Everywhere you go, there is light. Porch lights, streetlights, car lights, business lights. Has anyone heard of light pollution? How much do we spend on electricity, killing out the stars?

IDAHO PICKUP RACISTS: A local Coeur d'Alene business owner was quoted saying the pickup of racists that yelled slurs at the Utah basketball team members is not typical of the city. I am gladdened that owner is "disappointed," but I think that owner has forgotten the dozen or so radicals caught preparing to cause trouble at a Pride march. While not all those men were local, what is it about CDA that suggests to people this is a supportive place to act out racist views and violent actions? I can tell you: It's the racist and right-wing rhetoric I continually hear from Idahoans.

NORTH IDAHO RACISM... HOW EMBARRASSING! Hey, you redneck truck drivers in CDA who shouted racial slurs toward the visiting basketball players, and then hung outside the restaurant waiting for them: Take your ignorant hatred and leave the Pacific Northwest. Your presence is no longer required since the Aryan Nations disbanded.

TOO LITTLE TOO LATE: Jeers to Coeur d'Alene. Where were all of you when the Utah women's basketball team walked to AND from a restaurant from their hotel and were being bombarded with racist remarks and Confederate flags by ignorant idiots? You can't tell me that no one on the sidewalks saw anything?? BS! No one took a picture of a license plate or these racist human beings? No one stood up to the bullies as these young ladies walked on YOUR streets?? Shame on you, CDA!

DON'T VISIT IDAHO: Jeers to the racist twits who abused a group of women visiting Coeur d'Alene. Local college athletes have worked so hard to participate in March Madness. We should be celebrating them and all those visiting the area to participate. Instead you morons make national news by threatening them. I am so ashamed for you. Idaho is beautiful, but I never visit anymore.

AWFUL OFFAL: Today I had to step over a large pile of human poop and toilet paper near the front door of the Crestline post office. This person must either be out of their mind to the point of not caring or deliberately posting a dump on society since there are unlimited other choices.

RE: BRAIN FRYING: WOW! Are you seriously puffing in your Range Rover with your child in the car? Your brain is toast, in my opinion. Unbelievable that you're actually DRIVING and puffing away. If you got pulled over, do you understand the consequences? I do, but I really encourage you to find out what will happen to you and your child. Think about it!

BIGELOW GULP: Jeers to the roadbuilders for killing Bigelow Gulch. Condemning five properties, destroying rock formations, and clear cutting trees is NOT progress. Bigelow was the first highway from the farmlands (which are mostly gone now) to downtown and suburban neighborhoods. If people are getting hurt it's because they treat Bigelow Gulch like a race track, driving too fast and weaving in and out of lanes. Quit trying to "fix" historical roads when you mean "destroy."

WHERE ARE THE COPS? According to the Spokane Regional Transportation Council, 919 people have been killed or seriously injured on Spokane roads since 2019. Speeding is the No. 1 factor. We all see speeders everyday. They often have missing or expired plates. There was a hit-and-run fatality in my neighborhood last month. Why are people driving insane speeds? Because the police are NOT doing their job. This is a major public safety issue. Get these drivers off the roads.

2022 LICENSE TABS: Jeers to those many cars parked along Upriver Drive just east of the Greene Street Bridge that have expired license tabs that are driven on Spokane roads every day. Why do the rest of us pay for tabs while you continue to drive illegally? My understanding is that when law enforcement notices them, those driving illegally are given tickets with a pretty steep price tag and the funds are used to support other important services. So, here is a request from law enforcement. Please notice the cars and ticket them! It's just ridiculous that the rest of us obey the laws while so many others drive down the streets with tabs that expired in 2021 and 2022!!!! How totally obnoxious!!

VERY DISAPPOINTING, BUT NOT UNEXPECTED: Jeers to racists and bigots everywhere. Our region made national news twice in one week. First, for racists harassing the Utah Utes in Coeur d'Alene, then for a Michigan state rep publicly declaring the Zags men's basketball team arriving at an airport to be busloads of illegal immigrants in his state. These latest examples of open hatred, racism, and bigotry by mentally small and fearful people is nothing but cowardice in the face of reality in a complex and diverse world. "Home of the brave"? Not so much. ♦

Mark as Favorite

Woman, Artist, Catalyst: Art from the Permanent Collection @ Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture

Tuesdays-Sundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Continues through March 9
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