Naloxone is made widely available in Washington, Trump to deregulate methane, and other headlines


NEWS: Growth in the legal recreational marijuana industry continues to divide rural communities in Eastern Washington who consider cannabis an affront to their values.

NEWS: A disabled woman died after drinking vinegar given to her by an Aacres Spokane employee. But the state Department of Social and Health Services won't say who is responsible.

NEWS: Gov. Jay Inslee has ended his presidential campaign and plans to run for a third term as governor. But Republicans think he's vulnerable.


Unrestrained gas
The Trump administration is planning to unveil significant rollbacks of the regulation of methane emissions — a major contributor to climate change. (New York Times)

Citizenship denied
Children of some U.S. military and federal employees born overseas would not be given automatic citizenship under a new policy that the Trump administration plans to put into effect in October. (New York Times)

The Shea files drip
A document authored by controversial state Rep. Matt Shea (R–Spokane Valley) lays out a strategy for controlling territory in the aftermath of governmental collapse and civil war, including limiting immigration based on ethnicity, capital punishment for sodomy, and government supported Christianity. (Spokesman-Review)

click to enlarge Naloxone is made widely available in Washington, Trump to deregulate methane, and other headlines
Courtesy of the attorney general's report "Reducing the Supply of Illegal Opioids in Washington State"
Everyone gets Naloxone
The Washington State Department of Health officer issued an order on Wednesday that allows any individuals and organizations to go to pharmacies and get Naloxone — a drug that prevents fatal opioid overdoses — without a prescription. (Spokesman-Review)

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Josh Kelety

As a staff writer, Josh covers criminal justice issues and Spokane County government. Previously, he worked as a reporter for Seattle Weekly. Josh grew up in Port Townsend and graduated from the University of Washington. Message him through Signal @ (360) 301-3490.