Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lisa Brown blasts McKenna's health reform lawsuit

Posted on Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 3:37 PM

Washington Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown (D-Spokane) has just posted to her blog a blistering letter to state Attorney General Rob McKenna, who announced Monday he'd join at least ten other state attorneys general in a lawsuit challenging the health care reform legislation passed by the House of Representatives on Sunday and signed into law by Pres. Obama today. 

Brown called McKenna's decision "immensely disappointing" and said it "clashes with the positions taken by both of Washington’s U.S. Senators, six of Washington’s nine members of Congress, the Governor, the Insurance Commissioner, the Speaker of the House, me as the Senate Majority Leader and a solid majority of the state Legislature." 

She talks up the benefits of the federal legislation — noting that the state has been waiting for such legislation for years — before concluding, "Your decision to challenge the law creates the appearance of a last-ditch obstructionist effort to represent the concerns of a political party over the interests of the people of this state."


Read all of Brown's letter to McKenna here.

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