Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Those wacky Nazis In yet another blow to the reputation of neo-Nazis, a former Aryan Nation attorney has been charged with murder-for-hire for paying someone $500 dollars to kill his wife and mother-and-law, in order for him to collect the insurance settlement. It didn't work out. (KXLY)
The white stuff Envelopes containing white powder were mailed to several FBI offices, including one in Spokane. (SR)
Storm Water Inspector Hamlin and the Case of the Dirty River Toxic PCBs were banned 30 years ago. Yet, they're still coursing through the Spokane river. Where are they coming from? That, my friend, is the big mystery that investigators are trying to figure out. (SR)
Drill defense With BP's oil spewing into the ocean and stock price spewing toward the ground, Oil executives from a range of different companies testified before congress, promising that this wouldn't ever happen again. (NYT)
Crash test results The good news: The number of automobile crashes in Bonner County fell last year. The bad news: The number of crashes involving cyclists has increased. The good news: That means more people are biking. (Daily Bee)
Tags: morning headlines , News