Friday, July 2, 2010

MORNING HEADLINES: Vehicular mayhem

Posted on Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 7:26 AM

Is this the definition of irony? An elderly man crashed his car into a vehicle licensing office in Spokane Valley yesterday. The man, who was cited for not having insurance, had been pulling in to an adjacent insurance office when he mistook gas for brake. Wow. (SR) 

ISP goes digital Gone are the days of Idaho State Troopers filling out paper tickets. The force is switching to an electronic system that will scan license plates and print out citations about the size of a grocery store receipt, cutting troopers' stop time from five minutes to one. (KXLY)

Deadline day Today is the last day for Washington initiative sponsors to turn in signatures. Three have already been submitted — an income tax for high earner, a workers comp measure and one of two initiatives concerning state liquor stores. (KHQ) Organizers of a medical marijuana initiative say they don't have enough signatures. (Organizers need at least 241,000 to qualify.) (AP)

Man down A Spokane Police officer on a motorcycle was seriously injured yesterday when a vehicle he was pursuing struck a telephone pole, causing the power lines to whip down and clothesline the officer. (KREM)

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