Thursday, August 5, 2010
Our breathless coverage of the EWU Red turf web cam continues! Looks like they're half-way done! Maybe!
Though we're sure drumming up hundreds of thousands of dollars to re-turf the field wasn't done just as a publicity stunt to bring more notoriety (and thus money, and hopefully thus better recruits and thus more notoriety and on and on ...) to the Big Sky Conference semi-power, the notoriety has already begun rolling in like red tide.
No less a journalistic power than the Wall Street Journal has picked up the story, giving it a spot of prominence even over their coverage of the banning of the vuvuzela at the coming FIBA world soccer championships.
So, at least for one day, EWU Football > the most annoying aspect of the world's most popular sport.
Like they say, "if it bleeds, it leads" — which is just one more reason we'd like to see the field named "the Blood Bowl."
Tags: Eastern Washington University , football , Sports