Tuesday, August 17, 2010
On and off over the past few years, we've featured awesome local poster art in our "I <3 Poster Art" column. And though that feature has disappeared in the paper version of The Inlander (for good reason: too many shows to list), we're happy to revive it here on Bloglander! [Poster artists, please send your designs to leahs [at] inlander [dot] com].
Here are a couple of ones we love: a super-awesome design by Keagan O'Brien (from local band Hospital Floors) for the Lesbian/Wildildlife show at the Seaside, Alicia Wimmer's type-only poster for the Seaside's 50-cent Beer Fridays and Tiffany Patterson's hand-drawn flyer for the upcoming Lilac Fest at Empyrean.
Tags: i heart poster art , Music , Image