Friday, August 20, 2010
If you're looking to save time, you might as well just grab your sleeping bag and gunny sack and sleep outside (or in, if they'll let you) the Cretin Hop and Empyrean this weekend. Good stuff happening:
AT EMPYREAN TONIGHT, Johnny Bertram and the Golden Bicycles take the stage. They're a band that has been riding a nice little press buzz lately (NPR said Bertram is kinda like Sufjan Stevens and Iron & Wine… nice!). They recently released a new video for their song "Private Land," from their new record, Days That Passed. We're kind of in love:
Private Land Official Music Video from Robby Piantanida on Vimeo.
AT THE CRETIN HOP TONIGHT is the most insane local festival we've seen planned for quite some time. Insane meaning LONG and AWESOME. The End of Summer Northwest Music Festival starts today right after dinner (5:30) and goes for lord-knows how long. Know this: It will be loud. You will need ear plugs. You should probably bring a snack. Locals Anadonia and FAUS play with some touring bands. I'd catch Same Sex Dictator if I were you. $10. All-ages.
AT EMPYREAN TOMORROW: We spoke with the head honcho of Ah Holly Fam'ly this week, and we're not too sure what to expect at their show here tomorrow. Likely not the fam'lial presence we've seen online. The band is fleshing out its countrified inner self, we hear. They take the stage tomorrow alongside ReVerb, Wolfgang and the Ocean Floor. 7 pm. $12. All-ages.
AT THE CRETIN HOP TOMORROW You can catch a very punk rock affair: the CD Release show of longtime Spokane punkers, Deadones USA. We sat down and chatted with them this week before they shove off for tour. They play with Reason for Existence, HotBox, They're Watching, the Aunes and Collateral Damage. 6:30 pm. $7. All-ages.
OK, that's not ALL there is to do. Catch Bad Penmanship, Jinx and pretty much Spokane's entire hip-hop scene tonight at the Seaside (9 pm. $5. 21 ) or help boost KYRS toward their mega-huge signal at the KYRS Benefit featuring Groove Patrol tonight at Isabella's Rooftop Patio (7 pm. $15 - $25. 18 )
Tags: this weekend in music , Music , Video