Thursday, September 9, 2010

Trailer Thursday!

Posted By on Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 12:10 PM

Flipped, several weeks after its original release date, finally makes its way to Spokane. Not sure what happened there... At least we have some options, though, that aren't the third sequel of a film about a videogame.

Zombies! Intrigue! Explosions so large, the characters can't help but turn away (and walk slowly toward the camera). With superpowers and a clone army, you'd think Milla Jovovich would have no trouble destroying the evil Umbrella Corporation. But some heartfelt emotional twists (read: lame attempts at pathos by making her on-again, off-again zombie daughter return to human form) will keep you on the edge of your seat … as you get up, walk out and go find a better movie. (DH) Rated R SHOWTIMES

Director and co-writer Rob Reiner adapts the Wendelin Van Draanen novel about junior high school puppy love in early-1960s suburban America. The stories of young Bryce (Callan McAuliffe) and Juli (Madeline Carroll) are first told straightforwardly but then clever flashbacks and use of repetition and much voiceover narration let us know what’s in our protagonists’ hearts. It’s a lovely, charming movie that’ll make anyone with a heart float back to think about good times and both lost and found opportunities. (ES) Rated PG SHOWTIMES

Of the innumerable adjectives applied to romantic comedies, “surreal” is probably used least often (well, after “good”). Avant-garde in a good way, Wild Grass tells the story of Marguerite, who has her purse snatched when she’s out shoe-shopping. Georges finds her discarded wallet later and returns it, only to become infatuated with the frizzy-haired aviatrix. A desperate, hateful/lustful pursuit ensues, and the characters soon find themselves on the brink of the end of their time. (DH) Rated PG SHOWTIMES

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Luke Baumgarten

Luke Baumgarten is commentary contributor and former culture editor of the Inlander. He is a creative strategist at Seven2 and co-founder of Terrain.