Thursday, September 16, 2010

LUNCHES & PUNCHES 2: Name that destroyed lunch!

Posted on Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 9:18 AM

It’s Thursday morning. That means it is time once again for Lunches and Punches, the weekly video series in which we take a delicious local lunch and destroy it for no good reason.

(See last week’s video, in which we had boxer Chauncy “The Hillyard Hammer” Welliver pummel a BLT from Brooklyn Deli. Bloglander reader Cheryl Schoen took home a gift certificate to the deli for being the first to most correctly guess the destroyed sandwich’s identity.)

Here’s this week’s victim:

Can you guess what it is, where it came from, and how we destroyed it?*

If so, email me at joels [at] inlander [dot] com by 2 pm today. When we post the video at 2:30, revealing the answer, we’ll announce the lucky winner.

Bon appétit!

* (Since we really obliterated this lunch, we’ll give you a hint: It once belonged to the soup family.)  

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