Wednesday, October 6, 2010
That’s the theme for The Inlander’s 2010 Short Fiction Contest. And you can interpret that word in any way you want.
There are a couple of other tweaks we’ve made to the contest also (after a one-year absence attributed to editorial delirium and hysteria): e-mailed entries only will be accepted, and stories (original and unpublished, did you really think otherwise?) need to have a word count in the range of 800-1,500 words.
Deadline: Tuesday, Nov. 30, at 2 pm, e-mailed to [email protected] with “Fiction Contest Entry” in the subject line.
We’ll winnow the entries ourselves (as in the past), then have a judge select the winner(s) and hire an artist to illustrate the top story. We’ll publish the results in our Dec. 23 issue.
The fun part is: We don’t know how writers will approach the redemption theme, and we’re not sure if we’ll end up publishing one, two or three stories (or perhaps even more online).
Tags: fiction contest , books , Arts , Image