Friday, October 29, 2010

LIVE ACTORS! Doing actual stuff on actual stages!

Posted on Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 10:30 AM

It's raining. So stay inside: Sit and watch a play this weekend.

West Side Story is virtually sold out at the Civic on Friday-Saturday. Does any other American musical offer a five-song sequence as good as "Maria," "Tonight," "America," "Cool" and "One Hand, One Heart"? See a preview here. See more photos here.

A vaudeville comedian performs amazing feats of memory! A distinguished Scottish lord turns out to be a Nazi sympathizer! A man is handcuffed to a woman who can't stand him! The 39 Steps at Interplayers, filled with zany comedy, is down to its final three performances: Fri 7:30 pm, Sat 2 pm and 7:30 pm. Call 455-PLAY. See photos and a preview here. See our review here.

Plays can do things that movies can't. So you figure you saw The Elephant Man movie (by David Lynch, and with John Hurt, Anthony Hopkins, John Gielgud and Anne Bancroft) and so there's no reason to see the play? 

But the movie was based on John Merrick's doctor's memoirs, not on the 1977 play by Bernard Pomerance. And in the play, the deformed man appears without any makeup. The result? His humanity is always before us. He doesn't look like a freak or an animal. What he looks like is a man. The Elephant Man, starring George Green and Christopher Lamb, opens this weekend at Lake City Playhouse in CdA — Fri-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun 2 pm.

Three widows compete over who's grieving her husband most — at least, that is, until an available man arrives on the scene — in The Cemetery Club at the Civic's Studio Theatre. Fri-Sat only at 7:30 pm; closes Nov. 14. Call 325-2507. See our preview here.

Comedy made fresh and on the spot! Improv at the Blue Door Theater, Fri 8 pm, Sat 9 pm. (747-7045)

Elizabethan clothes and an emo sensibility — that's the line on Romeo and Juliet at Gonzaga. (Coupla tall guys from the basketball team, too.) Fri-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm, Magnuson Theater, east end of College Hall, Gonzaga, 502 E. Boone Ave. (313-6553) See our review here.

Murder mystery in a Victorian mansion! For just $37, you get gore with your dinner in "Murder at the Speakeasy" at the Lion's Share, 1627 N. Atlantic St. Fri-Sun at 6 pm. (327-1113)

Now that The Laramie Project can be seen in the absence of the Westboro Wackjob Bigot Church members, you can revisit a town's reaction to the torture-murder of Matthew Shepard at NIC's Boswell Hall in CdA on Fri-Sat at 7:30 pm. Free. Call (208) 769-3220.

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