Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Posted on Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 7:46 AM

Give us our candy back Seattle columnist says Tuesday isn't about red or blue, it's about what the system should do for you. (Seattle Times)

Local Republicans do well From Dino Rossi hanging on close to Patty Murray in the U.S. Senate race to Al French holding a narrow lead for Spokane County Commissioner, the elephants are in the room. (SR)

Hard lean to the right Check out the main page of the New York Times for a concise national snapshot. (NYT)

Up in smoke Prop 19, the California initiative to legalize marijuana, drew strong support from voters under age 25 (surprise!), but ... what were we talking about? (LATimes)

Fire chief's car starts fire An SUV belonging to the Spokane County Fire District 10 chief ignited a tough-to-fight fire overnight at Indian Canyon Apartments, destroying four garage units. (KREM)

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